Disclaimer: This note is not about pure computational complexity but rather meta-semantically leverages its theoretical framework to materialize startup earnings growth. 1. Theorem of Startup Success At HITSERIES CAPITAL, operated by TANAAKK, the fundamental truth of startups is defined as follows: A startup (Prover) that possesses the ability to succeed (a product) may not be…
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Disclaimer: This note is not about pure computational complexity but rather meta-semantically leverages its theoretical framework to materialize startup earnings growth. Startups can succeed effortlessly(naturally) Startups can succeed effortlessly (naturally), provided they understand the fundamental laws of nature. The key challenge lies in grasping the meta-semantics that exist before nature becomes “science.” Imagine standing on…
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New Article Hiroki Furuya, Chief R&D Officer of TANAAKK INC co-published a new article. This study aims to describe the current utilization of the Internet/application-based e-consult system and to assess how effectively it resolves clinical questions. Use of Internet/Application-Based E-consults by General Practitioners in Japan to Resolve Patients’ Problems: A Descriptive Observational Study Dr. Hiroki Furuya,…
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Hitseries Capital (Singapore, Japan) today announced its investment in icuco KK (Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan) at the pre-series A round. icuco is preparing for a next funding round by early next year. TANAAKKが運営する HITSERIES CAPITAL(本社:シンガポール、東京、代表者:田中翔一朗)」はicuco株式会社(本社:愛知県豊橋市 代表者:柳瀬陽一)のPreシリーズAラウンドに投資しました。 icucoについて icucoは愛知県豊橋発の保育、学童領域のIoT SaaSの製造販売を手掛けるスタートアップです。大手自動車メーカーの駆動系部品エンジニアチームにより2018年に創業され、2020年のicuco touch リリース以来、人材の不足する保育や学童領域においてIoT SaaSプロダクトを提供、4年間で1600施設以上の導入実績を有し、毎日1万人以上のユーザーに利用されています。(2024年9月末時点)※累計調達金額13億円(うち資本金5.8億円) TANAAKKについて TANAAKKは自社プロダクトであるGAAS(Growth-as-a-Service)を通じて、製造業コングロマリットの研究開発成果のカーブアウトによる、知的財産集約型IoT SaaS事業のハイパーグロースを実現しています。HITSERIES CAPITALは主にアジアの急成長企業のアーリーステージに投資しています。 HITSERIES CAPITALについて HITSERIES CAPITALはTANAAKKが提供するGAASプロダクトの一部です。スタートアップの資金調達に必要な一連のデータルーム、投資契約、株主間契約の雛型を取り揃え、スムーズに投資ラウンドをクロージングできるプラットホームを提供するとともに、TANAAKK自身のプリンシパル投資によるリードインベスターサービスおよびLP契約やSPVによるPE/VCストラクチャリングを提供しています。2024年9月末現在で日本、シンガポール、アメリカ、BVI、ケイマン、ベトナムにおけるタックスプランニングおよび機関投資家からの資本調達に対応しています。
May 27th 2024 Singapore-HITSERIES CAPITAL (Headquarters: Singapore, Managing Partner Shoichiro Tanaka) today announced investment in WeSale(Headquarters:Vietnam, CEO Mai Lam Toi.) seed round. Mr. Mai Lam Toi, CEO of WESALE said: “Having spent considerable time managing a real estate trade agency, I recognized the challenges traditional agencies face in scaling in-house sales forces. Proptech can offer…
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How can data shows who will be next UHNW? Cloud computing has fundamentally changed how banks investigate growth prospects. Traditionally, relationship bankers like Wells Fargo or HSBC assessed customer wealth based on bank records, real estate holdings, and the financial statements of non-public companies. However, venture capitalists can now identify potential ultra-high net worth individuals…
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This is draft information of structuring new HITSERIES CAPITAL Name HITSERIES CAPITAL ONE Incorporation Under application for related license Address General Partner HITSERIES CAPITAL PTE.LTD.GP investment vehicle TEL +65 6818 5776 Management Managing General partner Shoichiro TanakaGeneral partner Dr. Masayoshi Aoki, JD Reporting Annually Inquiry info@tanaakk.com
HITSERIES CAPITAL have started from principal investment fund. Former name was HITSERIES FUND. HITSERIES FUND was renewed into HITSERIES CAPITAL in May 2024 Name HITSERIES®️CAPITAL Principal(former HITSERIES FUND) Address L39 TANAAKK PTE. LTD. 10 MARINA BOULEVARD SINGAPORE 018987 Founded Jan 2022 Size US$5 million Strategy principal investment into AI/ML SaaS, subscription and smart connected products…
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