Disclaimer: This note is not about pure computing complexity theory but rather utilizes its framework meta-semantically to materialize startup growth. 1. Introduction: Applying Computational Complexity to Startup Investment ✔ Why Some Startups Are Fundamentally Unsolvable and Will Always Burn Capital✔ Why Investors Should Prioritize NP-Complete/NP-Easy hybrid Startups for Competitive Scaling✔ How Founders Should Identify Undecidable…
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Older becomes a leader There’s an interesting article about a real-life monkey mountain in Japan. The previous leader, Kansuke, reportedly ruled for 25 years and lived to be 100 years old (in monkey years). Monkey societies are often hierarchical, and leadership positions are earned through experience and social intelligence rather than just physical strength. An…
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Leading ahead generation 0.1% of any startups can only lead ahead the generation. VCs are supporting world leaders. But on the way in scale, tough communications with stakeholders whereas handling daily hard operation easily diminish the energy and motivation of founders to find a universal truth that would change the world. Avoiding psychological burnout The…
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There is many “how to” about business growth and management, but I would like to wonder about more fundamental power that cannot be even easily verbalized. There exists the part of universe that no one can record or memorise the situation I think there are some areas in universe that we cannot record any thought…
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the nature of P versus NP (P=NP, P≠NP) problem What a startup is proving by fundraise Here is the statement I am checking if this is true and can be applied to technology startup journey throughout my career as both an entrepreneur and investor. “Startup can convince counterparts without disclosing any information if the startup…
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